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Du wirst niemals glauben was Chlorella Bra FR bewirkt

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Hold on, don’t run away just yet. Believe it or not, freshwater algae are powerful superfoods packed with amino acids, antioxidants, fatty acids, and important vitamins that aren’t easy to find in other food sources.

Let’s take a look at the benefits, downsides, and side effects of spirulina vs. chlorella side by side so you can figure out which to add to your diet.


Spirulina is a cyanobacteria that belongs to the blue-green algae family. Don’t worry, it’s safe for human consumption just like the active bacteria found inside your yogurt. This family of single-celled organisms uses photosynthesis, like plants, to convert sunlight into energy.

Superfoods Focus: Spirulina Vs. Chlorella

Gram for gram, spirulina is one of the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet containing 60% protein and plenty of other compounds. The Aztecs realized its power and took advantage of the algae’s many benefits.

But you don’t have to go to space to get Spirulina- you can find it online and in health stores in capsules, tablets, or powders. Many people like to add spirulina powders to their smoothies or healthy baked goods.

Spirulina is packed with antioxidants that help defend the body against free radical damage and oxidative stress. Many of the algae’s anti-inflammatory properties come from the essential amino acid gamma linolenic acid and phycocyanin, which gives spirulina its bright blue-green hue. (1)

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Many studies have found that spirulina in moderate doses of about eight grams per day is beneficial for protecting the heart against disease.

The antioxidants in spirulina lower LDL and triglyceride levels (bad cholesterol) while increasing HDL (good cholesterol). Not only that, but spirulina prevents LDL oxidization, a major precursor to heart disease. (2)

Four grams of protein might not seem like much, but when it’s contained inside a small serving of seven grams, that’s huge. To top it off, the type of protein found in spirulina is the same quality of what you’d find in an egg because it also contains essential amino acids.

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Spirulina is one of nature’s richest sources of vitamin K which is essential for supporting healthy blood clotting. One study has also found that spirulina increased red blood cell levels in people suffering from anemia. (3)

Due to microcystins, which absorb heavy metals, many believe that spirulina can help detoxify the body. A 2006 study found that spirulina and zinc together may help remove arsenic from the body. Arsenic poisoning is notoriously difficult to treat. (4)

Let’s be frank: many people don’t like the smell and taste of spirulina because it tends to mimic pond water. Reputable brands selling high-quality spirulina are less likely to have this issue.

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However, there’s another reason you should only purchase the highest quality spirulina: potential for heavy metal contamination. Microcystins in the blue-green algae may absorb heavy metals and contaminate the spirulina.

By purchasing spirulina from a trusted source that runs regular tests, you can help make sure your spirulina was grown in healthy water free from heavy metals.

Like spirulina, chlorella is an alga packed with health benefits thanks to its high concentration of vital nutrients. When it comes to spirulina vs. chlorella, chlorella slightly differs from spirulina in that it’s green algae rather than blue-green algae.

Chlorella And Spirulina: What You Didn't Know

During the post-WWII baby boom, startled researchers began studying chlorella as a tool to help combat world hunger as the population rose.

Researchers believe that chlorella activates the immune system. One study found that participants produced more antibodies for fighting infections when taking chlorella. Chlorella also contains powerful antioxidants to support the immune system and defend against free radical damage. (4)

Many people use spirulina for detoxification, but the science behind this benefit isn’t widely documented. Chlorella, on the other hand, has plenty of studies backing its ability to bind to heavy metals inside the body and remove them entirely. (5) This makes chlorella especially beneficial for anyone who works in mining, welding, or construction with a high exposure rate.


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For both of these superfoods, the potential side effects and drug interactions are generally similar, since the algae only slightly differ in their makeup.

Chlorella also carries a potential risk for heavy metal exposure because the microcystins absorb metals. You can mitigate this risk or avoid it entirely by purchasing your spirulina from reputable brands that grow their spirulina in clean water and conduct regular tests.

Although very similar, spirulina is blue-green algae while chlorella is green algae. Spirulina is more well-known in the developed world but chlorella is much older. In general, both algae share similar benefits with a few notable differences mentioned above.

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Let’s take a look at some of the key differences between spirulina vs. chlorella so you can make the best choice for your long-term health.

PRO: Chlorella contains more chlorophyll and a substance called chlorella growth factor (CGF) which can boost energy, encourage post-workout muscle recovery, and support healthy aging.

CON: The cell walls of chlorella must be “cracked” to make the powerful compounds bioavailable. For this reason, certain varieties of chlorella can only be consumed as capsules or tablets to reap the full range of benefits.

Health Benefits Of Chlorella

CON: Spirulina might be better suited to capsules and tablets due to the unpleasant taste. However, you can certainly mask the taste or smell by adding spirulina to smoothies.

Many people add both chlorella and spirulina to their diets without any problems. Both substances are generally very safe in low, moderate, and even high doses of 10g per day.


Both spirulina and chlorella are powerful superfoods because they contain some of the most protein, vitamins, amino acids, and other compounds gram-for-gram.

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Add a few scoops of high-quality spirulina or chlorella to your smoothies or baked goods to effortlessly incorporate the algae into your daily diet. Spirulina vs. chlorella, whatever you choose, will definitely help improve your overall health.

Hi, I'm Tegan. I have a degree in Nutrition and Food Science and a deep passion for real food and natural health. I am a huge believer in the power of mushrooms, and want to help you get some in your life!What is chlorella? And why is it considered a superfood? Learn more about this green algae, including how it may benefit your health.

This algae has been making waves in health and wellness circles for years, but what is chlorella? And why should you add it to your diet? We answer all of those questions — and more!

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Chlorella is one of the oldest plants on the planet — it dates back 2 million years! It’s a single-celled, green algae that gets its green color from chlorophyll. It doesn’t take much for chlorella to grow: carbon dioxide, sunlight, a few nutrients and water. That’s it.

A lot of people get spirulina and chlorella confused. While they’re both algae and contain chlorophyll (chlorella contains more), they do have some significant differences. The biggest one is that spirulina can be consumed right after harvest; chlorella cannot.

Chlorella contains hard cell walls, which means it can’t be digested by humans. Because of that, chlorella goes through a process known as “cell cracking” that makes it easier to digest and absorb and ultimately, reap the many health benefits.

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They enter into the human body by air, water and food. Unfortunately, there’s no way you can avoid heavy metals because you’re exposed to them every day — but chlorella can help lighten the load!


Chlorella has the ability to wrap itself around heavy metals, including some of the most toxic heavy metals (lead, cadmium, mercury and uranium), and prevents them from being reabsorbed.

While more human studies are needed, animal studies also show that chlorella can reduce the heavy metal toxicity, especially from lead and cadmium, in the liver, kidneys and brain.

Organic Spirulina & Chlorella Pellets, 500 Tablets, Certified Organic, Laboratory Tested, No Additives, High Dosage, Vegan And Made In Germany

In one small study, 15 men were given either 30 tablets of chlorella or 30 tablets of a placebo for 4 weeks. Researchers determined those who took the chlorella tablets produced more antibodies (the protein that fights off invaders like bacteria and viruses) than those who took the placebo.

The same goes for lowering blood pressure. In one 2009 study published in the peer-reviewed journal, “Clinical and Experimental Hypertension, ” chlorella “significantly decreased high-normal blood pressure and borderline hypertension.”

After giving a group of young adults chlorella or a placebo for six weeks, those who took the chlorella significantly improved their ability to saturate their lungs with oxygen. As a result, their aerobic endurance improved.

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This may be due to chlorella’s branched-chain amino acid content. Generally speaking, branched chain amino acids have been shown to improve aerobic performance. (Learn more about branched chain amino acids in our hemp protein article!)

Speaking of athletic performance, chlorella could be beneficial for those who do athlete group training (like a sports training camp). According to one small study, researchers found chlorella intake may attenuate the reduced IgA (Immunoglobulin A) secretion during athletic training.

From capsules and tablets to extract, you can find chlorella in many different forms. However, we prefer chlorella powder and it’s one of the ingredients in the Super Green mix!


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While chlorella is native to Japan and Taiwan, we source our chlorella from Germany from a family-owned business that helped develop the standards for organic algae.

The chlorella grows in a state of the art greenhouse (and we’re not just saying that because chlorella is

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